The central story is set centuries in the future, where after horrific nuclear wars humanity united to create a peaceful global society.
When a child is born, the survivors unite to create a new society.
They then decided to unite to create a printshop in Carhaix.
Once tobacco had been established as an export cash crop, investors became more interested and groups of them united to create largely self-sufficient "hundreds."
Sinergia argued that it wasn't going to have fixed prices, just wanted to unite to create a bigger sales volume.
But she tended to divide phrases into separate parts rather than unite them to create the surges of energy that make the choreography appealing.
The student body, however, united to create a campaign which they dubbed the "Third Alternative."
Then they unite to create a dance before the sublime backdrop of mountain and water.
Hope you unite as one to create a better future!
"But I think the movement will suffer down the line if they don't unite to create a leadership."