These recommendations called for the creation of a permanent crime prevention responsibility centre that would unite key stakeholders and community members throughout the city.
Keyser imagined a racial and biological "essence" uniting Germans throughout history that supported irredentism of German nationalists.
Moreover, experience unites the tribe throughout time as well as throughout space.
The group was founded in late 2001 by five men from Harrisburg, PA, originally focused on uniting white power skinheads throughout the regions of Pennsylvania.
It unites the common interests of Orthodox Jewish scientists throughout the world.
The term Kadazan was successful in uniting the Kadazans throughout Sabah.
He himself was even able to provide the appropriate response to the Beggar's lines' One thing unites the brothers' band' An oath of trust throughout the land.
The grant was designed to unite the resources throughout the United States and ideas of those committed to increasing the effectiveness of public schooling.
The indigo industry in particular also helped to temporarily unite communities throughout the Kingdom of Guatemala due to the smuggling.
Pursue these aims by uniting all throughout the world in prayer.