The island has been divided since 1974, when Turkish troops occupied the north in response to a coup aimed at uniting the island with Greece.
Maui-Loa had tried to unite the island once, but troubles with the Hana chief continued.
The Nationalist Party obtained poor electoral results in the 1932 election, but continued its campaign to unite the island behind an independent Puerto Rico platform.
In 1974, Turkish troops invaded the island after a military coup aimed at uniting the island with Greece.
In 1955 an armed struggle against the British rule began aiming to unite the island with Greece, Enosis.
On the 15th July 1974, there was an attempted coup d'état led by the Greek military junta to unite the island with Greece.
The island would be plunge into nine more years of war until Kamehameha I to unite the Big island in 1791.
At the same time, the Greeks are said to have abandoned their longtime desire to unite the entire island under the Greek Cypriot flag.
It was set up in 1974 when Turkish troops invaded to block a coup aimed at uniting the island with Greece.
Brian looked to change this, and unite the island, which he set about doing over a period of years.