The BBC World Service reported that this campaign appeared to unite both students and staff, particularly the younger teachers, a worrying trend for the authorities.
The school's goal was to unite students with past graduates and foster school pride.
It is the only university in the world every year uniting students from 140 countries.
The organization also aims to unite students from all over the world to exchange ideas, perceptions and experiences.
Drawing from a volunteer base of over 1,000, which includes many teachers, writers and journalism professionals, 826NYC unites eager students with eager helpers.
Students from each clique participate in Challenge Day, which is a program designed to break down stereotypes and unite students in schools.
East Ridge was also built to unite students from the districts of two rival schools, Woodbury and Park.
Ethnic-based organizations, notably the Asian Business Association, unite only students of similar ethnicity exclusively for professional development and networking.
Overall, student-led education unites parents, students, and teachers into an extraordinary support system.
Mortara's research seminars unite faculty and students to discuss new research in academic disciplines of the School of Foreign Service.