It was a sentiment that, over the last two weeks, united oppressed employees - and citizens - all over the globe.
The Federation aimed to unite the bioscience community over issues of common interest that related to both research and teaching.
The name of the ensemble resembles this attitude: "Terem" is a big house which unites musical currents all over the world.
The community can unite over that proposition while disagreeing about which alternative would be more and which less just.
The one force uniting them over the centuries has been a common outside enemy - in modern times the British and more recently the Soviet Union.
The family emblem was a lion, with at least one family member having a tattoo of a lion and the words 'Family united' over it.
Strauss has also published the quarterly Hot Wheels Newsletter since 1986 and was one of the first to unite collectors all over the world.
This battle played an important role in the struggle by Haakon Sigurdsson to unite his rule over Norway.
Austria was given a guarantee of sovereignty provided it did not unite with Germany over the following 20 years.