In my experience, people have been inconsistent about where the units belong when dealing with a metric.
A few units belonging to First Corps on the move here and there, nothing big.
These units are available for claim only to the side that the units belong to.
The new division was formed from units previously belonging to the 1st and the 4th Infantry divisions.
Prior to this, the unit belonged to the Pennsylvania Railroad.
Military units belonging to that district took part in the Warsaw Uprising of 1944.
Thus all the senses of mouth discussed earlier will represent lexical units belonging to a single lexeme.
The latter two units belong to the Wentnor Group.
The single unit belonging to the bunker's emergency equipment was not powerful enough to penetrate the almost one-kilometre-thick layer of ground above the bunker.
Each player had a certain favored race, and the pace of production of units belonging to other races depended on the interracial relations.