Plan badly, you have what so many of us suffer from first-hand - gridlock, sprawl and that uniquely modern evil of all too little time.
The Neo-Gothic interior is uniquely modern, with chapels and statues of contemporary artists, in heretogeneous styles, from historical revivals to "pop-art" decor.
Beware of international exposure If you think international banking crises and whopping trade deficits are uniquely modern phenomena, guess again.
The review concludes "Bergman's prose carefully circles, rather than describes, the unspeakable, resulting in an austere work of art softened by a uniquely modern wisdom."
Although his background lay mainly in the linguistics of ancient languages, Diver's approach to linguistics was uniquely modern and scientific.
The forms were the same, but their arrangement was uniquely modern.
In reaction, they sought to create new work in and around Chicago that would display a uniquely modern and authentically American style, which came to be called Prairie.
"Kiyomi Iwata is an artist with a uniquely modern vision," said Ulysses Dietz, curator of decorative arts at the museum.
It is a uniquely modern form of immortality.
However, this sort of explanation does not seem to hold up in the face of evidence that football hooliganism is by no means a uniquely modern, post-1960 occurrence.