The function of the Trust was to enable more children to participate in this unique venture.
The industry partners in this unique venture characterized by both public-private partnership and industry-academia interaction include:
Thus began a unique and practical educational venture.
Intrigued by this, I immediately headed to Ness to try and film this unique venture.
Twill is a unique venture in publishing that some media have labeled an intellectual fashion magazine.
They renewed the zamindars lands and deprived them of their unique venture.
This is a unique venture providing MUT staffs with research and electronic design facilities of world standard.
A great example of unique and significant venture in the history of higher education in India, this building was established in 1967.
The Journal is a unique joint venture promoting dialogue and the quest for a peaceful resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Ten cinematographers, musicians, editors, art directors and almost all the top Malayalam film actors joined this unique venture.