That's how they express their unique individuality.
In particular, she found the Miss World competition unique in making personal development and leadership the focus; she said that the judges look for "unique individuality."
Humans have been born to express their own unique individuality in everything they do - "creating true art".
Underlying everything and every individual person, there is a unique individuality or speciality.
PL teaches that "Life is Art" and that humans are born to express their own unique individuality in everything they do - "creating true art".
But Geordi cared only about his consciousness, his unique individuality.
He contrasted these relations with what he later regarded as the "marriage" (his word) of equals that he began with Chester Kallman in 1939 (see below), based on the unique individuality of both partners.
"The portrait artist interacts with the subject in a series of moments, and as a result can create an image that expresses a person's unique individuality."
The first five years of life are critically important in shaping every person's unique individuality.
Money describes the formation of an individual's lovemap as similar to the acquisition of a native language, in that it bears the mark of his or her own unique individuality, similar to an accent in a spoken language.