Goodwill's answer to its profit status is "As a unique hybrid called a social enterprise, we defy traditional distinctions.
So, layers of history, all melded together, an extraordinarily unique hybrid.
The program was a unique hybrid of standard two-dimension map-based tactical gaming, and first person action.
The 1970 restructuring of the school system, the most significant since the turn of the century, created a unique hybrid.
But this will employ a different scale, plus British elements you will supply to create a unique hybrid.
A unique hybrid, the engine can be thought of as a turbojet inside a ramjet.
The star news anchor is a unique hybrid.
The organization was a unique hybrid.
Louisiana is a unique hybrid in that it has five subject-specific codes and a set of Revised Statutes for everything else.
Finally, the social nature of the new medium is unclear as to whether it is a private or public space, or some unique hybrid.