"Will anyone offer me a dollar for this unique figure?"
All have combined to make Palermo one of baseball's unique and treasured figures.
The purpose of alterations is to make the gown fit the bride's unique figure.
None of the 99 unique 12-inch figures were for sale.
Even if people do try to disassociate with her, she's not just some unique figure just on the scene.
It was a setting far out of the usual, though it became that unique white figure and his occupation.
He had made Huddersfield a great club, and in so doing established himself as a unique figure, the first of the modern soccer managers.
The Conquest version had a number of large castle wall and fortification pieces, including 2 unique figures.
Conquest came with a 96-page rulebook, 3 unique figures, and several pieces of new siege equipment.
A particular and unique figure, called caganer is displayed in the scene.