"The key in such a competitive market place is for White Plains to identify and promote its own unique assets."
Being unique public assets, foreshore land cannot be sold to any private entity.
Auchmar is a unique, heritage asset owned by the citizens of Hamilton.
What you come up with is the barge canal as an asset unique to New York.
These Councils will develop strategic plans that emphasize each region's strengths and unique assets.
We had a unique asset, and I don't see how our military could have done it without their past history with these generals.
Mirage has its eye on Navis' unique assets and is not above starting a war to acquire them.
They also link government and the private sector in marketing Tasmania's unique assets.
"If it's a unique asset and the value will grow," he said, "we'll hold on until the value catches up with the stock price."
Once any unique assets are properly identified, you may also be able to sell or license them to other organisations.