Epulopiscium has a unique anatomy that helps it overcome the size limitations inherent in cell volume.
Herpetologists say that the subspecies' unique anatomy makes its members ideal candidates for a life cycle that centers on hibernation.
Fortunately, it is relatively difficult to break, but it is also the most commonly fractured bone in the carpus, particularly because of its unique anatomy and position within the wrist.
Each eye focuses independently, which is achieved by the chameleon eye's unique anatomy of separated nodal and center points of the eye.
Although the two families represent an occurrence of parallel evolution, the manner in which their unique adhesive anatomy is utilized differs morphologically.
Lanistes has a unique anatomy among the Ampullariidae: it has a "hyperstrophic" sinistral shell.
The unique anatomy of Cuculidae (in the old sense) often allows for the easy identification even of isolated bones.
The Burgess fauna contained both ordinary and unique anatomies in abundance.
Archaeopteryx (and other feathered fossils) shows how a branch of reptiles gradually acquired both the unique anatomy and flying adaptations found in all modern birds.
The unique cranial anatomy of the tarsier results from the need to balance their large eyes and heavy head so they are able to wait silently for nutritious prey.