The last five years have seen the DUP establish itself as the voice of about half of the unionist population.
The unionist population is small in Pomeroy and they certainly feel betrayed.
While the GAA's tendency towards overt nationalism has waned, some practices still remain in place which raise concerns in Northern Ireland where the Protestant unionist population still largely considers itself excluded from the games by a political ethos despite rules that prohibit sectarianism or involvement in party politics.
If this happened, an Irish Boundary Commission was to be established to redraw the Irish border, which Collins expected would so reduce the size of Northern Ireland as to make it economically unviable, thus enabling unity, as most of the unionist population was concentrated in a relatively small area in eastern Ulster.
The border country of the north midlands often proved to be a treacherous place for IRA training camps, possibly due to the presence of a substantial unionist population there.
It must be possible for the one million strong unionist population of Northern Ireland to find a way to celebrate their uniqueness and culture without such a celebration being based on sectarian triumphalism and intimidation.
Those bogus elections never took place in the Khaatumo State of Somalia territories, because the unionist population there neither recognize them nor accept them.
The larger unionist population in Northern Ireland was further alienated from Irish republicanism by the campaign, and considered that its internment policy had worked.