The Government, however, cannot control union wages, which companies negotiate with the workers at each plant.
Many of them are making $17 and $18 an hour, which is more than union wage.
And the pay, $33.45 an hour plus generous benefits, is one of the best union wages in the country.
Myself, I'd have been happy to work for union wages and let the two of them split all the profits, if any.
That wage, determined by a state agency, is usually close to union wages.
The painters are being paid under the table at a rate below union wages, while also taking public assistance.
Management has demanded a $150 million cut in union wages.
They are in enough demand today to receive the union wage.
I'm very blessed to be working steadily with a union wage.
Executives say that union wages of $8 to $10 an hour are far more than they can afford.