Montefiore rescinded its recognition of the Committee, and 22 years later, the union still has not regained that status.
A bustling civil society is back in operation and unions are regaining influence.
That is happening just as the Clinton Administration says it is willing to help unions regain some of their old powers.
Or should unions regain enough power in collective bargaining to insulate the wages and benefits they have won over the years?
The unions can in this way regain their vitality and growth.
The union regained some of those wages under the 1987 agreement, but workers are still at roughly their 1982 pay level.
That union did not fully regain its footing for nearly a decade.
The union not only survived, but regained much of the ground it had lost among transit workers during the next four years.
The answer is likely to determine whether unions can regain some of the membership and influence lost during the Reagan and Bush Administrations.
By 1936, however, the union had regained its strength, and the cinema had grown to 850 seats.