We will be hearing more from Unite in coming months as the union mobilizes to take on major hotel chains in big cities.
In the past, unions mobilized their members just two or three months before the November elections.
The service employees' union has mobilized its phone bank in New York City and asked local leaders to call members of Congress.
From the beginning, French unions have mobilized people to put pressure on the government instead of simply pressing employers.
Two leftist unions said then that the agreement would strip 18,000 of 100,000 workers of all their rights and immediately mobilized their forces.
The union donated $10,000 to her campaign, and mobilized its 300,000 members on her behalf.
The union mobilized its voters and took control of town councils.
However, relatively few SOBSI branches and unions mobilized protests against the arrests.
In California, for instance, the hospital workers' union has mobilized against expansion plans by Sutter Health, which has 40,000 mostly nonunion employees in 26 hospitals.
The Greek employees' two unions are mobilizing to protect their interests.