Those rules are meant to reduce union influence in Council campaigns.
In Britain, to date, there has been little experience of union influence over selection amongst the technical and social options for information technology.
In fact, potential corporate backers have probably made a precondition that their money and leverage will only be forthcoming if union influence is annihilated.
It is no coincidence that this has all occurred as union influence and power has declined.
The revamped 12th district had little industry and almost no union influence.
He has supported efforts to lessen union influence on the party's leadership and has sought to position himself as a mainstream politician.
Carmine uses his union influence to shut down work at the disputed project, the Esplanade.
The opposition parties said the chapter would offer needed protection for workers in the wake of the loss of union influence in Britain.
In the 1990s, with the decline in union influence, its membership waned.
He has supported efforts to lessen union influence on the party's leadership.