The union in craniopagus twins may happen at any portion of the calvarium.
And even if the Danes approve, many people doubt whether monetary union will ever happen.
Although the two kingdoms had been ruled by the same king since 1735, the formal union did not happen until 1816.
Lycos has had other suitors in the past, but a union never happened.
In 2007 he predicted an amero currency to replace dollar for this union will happen within 10 years.
On the ballot the union happens to bear only the man's name.
Just as its decisions have electrified the politics of one country after another, its policies will ultimately determine whether European economic and monetary union happens at all.
The cast and the union of stalactites and stalagmites happen everywhere, creating large and varied columns.
A tarot card reader predicts that the 'cosmic union' can only happen where water and iron are compatible!
A union like t does not happen accidentally.