The union will donate an extra 32 million euros, roughly $31.8 million, to fill the void Washington created.
State campaign finance filings indicate that the union has donated at least $472,941 to state candidates and parties since 1999.
The union and many local citizens donated gifts for the children and money for the party supplies.
This union donated a library, which contained about 4000 books, daily newspapers and weekly magazines.
In the 1997-98 election cycle, the union and industry donated $1.2 million to candidates and parties, mostly from the union.
In any case, why do you think the unions donate to Labour if not for influence?
Various unions donated about $23 million, also mostly to Democratic committees.
The union donated $10,000 to her campaign, and mobilized its 300,000 members on her behalf.
Local unions throughout Chicago donated their time and money to build the monument.
Two months later, the guard's union donated $251,000 to Mr. Davis.