For example, with no resolution in sight, the union has been battling Caterpillar Inc. for years to install a pattern contract negotiated at other equipment manufacturers.
Still, the two unions have battled each other in trying to sign up child care workers in Iowa and municipal employees in Houston.
The company and the union have been battling over job cuts and hiring preferences.
The agency and the union have battled over staffing levels intermittently for many years.
In the current strike, the union is battling to hold on to its remaining power, and the miners are fighting for the remaining jobs.
When industrial unions were battling for recognition, fair wages and improved conditions, Darrow was an idol of workers and labor leaders.
While local unions battled for the Currie Cup from 1892 onwards it would take decades for an annual competition to be established.
The union is battling another nonunion contractor, Golden Mark, which has won cleaning contracts with more than a dozen buildings that once used unionized cleaners.
The police case portrays Mr. Rafael Cruz as falling into the kind of exploitation the union has been battling.
The union and the city have been battling over the staffing levels on the engines for two decades.