A union which also represents non-security employees may also represent and bargain on behalf of security employees with the employer's consent.
He said the unions had bargained hard to win the benefits and had worked responsibly with the city to keep premium costs down.
Until Denver Tramway, unions had bargained only for their own members.
A union which represented only half the bus drivers in a company, for example, would bargain a contract only on behalf of its members.
We bargained in good faith and I believe the union bargained in good faith, too.
Thus, unions can bargain for virtually any level of benefits without regard to the state's ability, or its willingness, to fund them.
Meanwhile, the company and the union will bargain for a contract that covers the workers.
During the fiscal crisis the municipal unions bargained in coalitions that began to break up in the mid 1980's.
Gene Orza, the union's associate general counsel, said the union would bargain with the clubs about rosters.
United's unions, having larger voice in running the company, later successfully bargained for significant pay increases, but the effect was only short-term.