By 2009, its membership had fallen below 400, and it was the smallest union affiliated to the TUC.
The 21 national unions affiliated to the LO have almost 900,000 members of a Norwegian population of 5 million.
Prentis added that further action would be discussed with the 22 other unions affiliated to the Trades Union Congress.
Its membership is union locals of national or international unions affiliated to the Canadian Labour Congress.
The United Transportation Union joined in 1992, becoming the 26th union affiliated.
Presently, over 98% of union members are in unions affiliated with the NTUC.
The alliance would give Farmers Insurance access to unions affiliated with Ulico.
Around 5% of agricultural labourers in India are union affiliated.
The federation tries to act on behalf of 13.3 million union members in 83 unions affiliated with the federation.
Membership of unions affiliated to the TUC has dropped by more than 300,000, according to new figures.