Public protests and union action resulted these closures not being carried out.
The launch date for the company was put back several times due to union action as jobs were being cut in the process of the merger.
I hope that every worker anxious about his or her job security, benefits, pension and health care embraces the cause of this union action.
The airline proposal even predicted that union actions would hurt the United's finances.
The coincidence with union action boded ill for the survey; response rates to the questionnaire seemed likely to be very low.
The effects of the union action caused a major swing in voting intention.
The union warned, however, that the union action may interrupt continuous education in the universities.
The principle of union action and workers' solidarity had been firmly established.
Unless real wages were held above their market level by union action or government regulation, unemployment could only be a short run phenomenon.
There were threats of lawsuits and calls for union action, none of which amounted to anything.