Reverend Billy called from the back of the store, an uninvited presence with a well-worn, husky voice.
"I regard your uninvited presence here," said Dona Vorchenza after a moment of consideration, "as nothing less."
Their uninvited presence would trigger automatic defense systems targeted at other countries.
It was not a proper habitation, but only a temporary shelter, and I experienced no barrier to my uninvited presence.
Tybalt is angered by the insult of Romeo and Benvolio's uninvited presence at the ball in the Capulets' home.
And her first glimpse of the ocean was not marred by any unwelcome and uninvited presence, for no one else would sit with her.
Please tell me the purpose behind your uninvited presence.
And as your uninvited presence here is none of my doing, so the fact that you must stay is something I can't influence.
It was she, after all, who had put him in the position of so outraging the Voertrekker-Praesident by his "uninvited" presence at Voertrekkerhoem.
Ignoring his uninvited presence, Tristan went straight to the bar, poured himself a neat Scotch, and downed it in one gulp.