Not uninteresting - I'm sure you couldn't create an uninteresting character - but less interesting.
IGN gave it a 6 out of 10, praising its gameplay and visuals, but criticized the story, voice acting, the lack of any central conflict, and uninteresting characters.
Critics were mostly negative about the book, considering the book overwritten, the characters weak and uninteresting, and scenes which should have been tragedy instead a "harlequinade".
Some reasons this may occur include repetitive in-ring antics, a limited moveset, a lengthy title reign, lack of selling his/her opponents' moves, or an uninteresting character.
Svend and Bjarne aren't bad or uninteresting characters, and certainly the two talented actors playing them are inherently watchable.
William Sykes would presumably have remained a historically insignificant and uninteresting character, if not for the discovery in 1931 of a collection of letters written to him by his wife.
He also felt the plot was poorly conceived and was combined with a badly written script and uninteresting characters:
Criticisms were leveled at the game's weak story and uninteresting characters.
But eventually, the promise of an overriding melancholy sensibility dissolves into a set of episodes about mostly uninteresting characters.
It was not an uninteresting character,' said Nicholson, 'but it was a sort of aside from the film itself because the part wasn't in the original script.