Danielle broke into tears and unintentionally revealed that Jerri was not included in the Final 3 alliance of herself, Parvati and Russell.
Decker stared blankly at Rosen, his expression unintentionally revealing that he had no idea what Rosen was talking about.
He unintentionally revealed his interest in Jules to Bobby and Andy at Thanksgiving.
Pangle unintentionally reveals the band as the deserters Teague is seeking.
She is killed by Le Chiffre for unintentionally revealing one of his plans to Bond.
Sometimes Karen unintentionally reveals to her friends a softer side that is carefully hidden.
However, the conversation goes sour when John Smith unintentionally reveals his prejudices towards Native Americans.
However after the first night, Rathnam unintentionally reveals that she is pregnant.
During the same episode, Roger, whose daughter is friends with Francis' daughter, unintentionally reveals to Don that Betty and Francis are involved.
Epsilon-Church is sent along to spy on her for the Reds and Blues, but unintentionally reveals himself to her.