Weapons may also hit a target that has not been selected, or hit an unintended target or friendly ship.
And with all of the firepower massed about Bajor, he knew that the shuttle could easily become an unintended target.
Mr. Offutt's wife was the unintended target of an anti-Semitic remark in Morehead.
This requires at least one primer (for a given primer pair) to have the specified number of mismatches to unintended targets.
Southville was the unintended target of the many short-falling bombs aimed at the adjoining dock facilities and traffic.
She was apparently an unintended target of the shooter, who may not have known her, the police said.
These qualities make it less likely to strike unintended targets, such as people in another room during an indoor shooting.
Additionally, they learn that even when firing at a valid target, unintended targets may still be hit, for three reasons:
There are always some unintended targets that fall whenever he tries to bring down an enemy.
Evidently there was a brief clash over the Strait of Taiwan, and a missile hit an unintended target.