Lumas heard a sound: laughter, he thought, childlike and uninhibited.
Hafiz burst into uninhibited laughter.
Exposure to brightly coloured substances (pollen, juices from mushrooms) causes them to enter states of uninhibited laughter.
"Falsettoland" is that kind of play, where somber moments lead to uninhibited laughter.
Jondalar's ready smile and rare uninhibited laughter had made her know she had met her own kind in him, had made her love him more.
He began to absorb the carnival air of the people around him - uninhibited laughter, bantering private jokes.
Raucous, uninhibited laughter accompanied the unsteady clattering and grew louder as the new passengers approached the cabin door.
Sitting here, listening to Yoshi's uninhibited, gleeful laughter reminded her that it had been nothing short of a miracle.
As much as he loves his mother (and his daydreams are full of poetic visions of her, accompanied by the sound of her uninhibited laughter), he seems always to be failing her.
Maria's giggles erupted into laughter, the pure, uninhibited, magical laughter of the small child.