These roads traverse wild, uninhabited land for 97, 62 and 64 miles respectively.
These appear to have been more benign, emphasizing the farming of uninhabited land.
Since there are no uninhabited lands below, we would shortly be in contact with the native population.
Many countries with intense sunshine also have large tracts of uninhabited land.
Each road traverses wild, uninhabited land for 97, 62 and 64 miles respectively.
The islands are uninhabited land although, per the 1981 census, there is a population of 3000 living in 8 adjacent villages.
Highway 12 is a beautiful trip through mostly uninhabited land.
He entered the uninhabited land with little optimism for a quick success.
Nearly all of the uninhabited land in the park is covered by Mediterranean native forest.
They arrived in a strange, uninhabited land and claimed it for themselves.