If a company does important jobs badly, or wastes a lot of time on unimportant ones, it will not make as much money as it could.
There's nothing like leaving out the documentation from several hundred important employees and replacing it with the documentation from several hundred unimportant ones.
What I'm after now are the seemingly unimportant ones.
Sensitivity analysis can be used to identify the influential parameters which can be determined from available data while screening out the unimportant ones.
The Second Foundation was an equalitarian society in all its surface manifestations-the unimportant ones.
That way, the unimportant ones would vanish of their own accord, the vital ones show up.
"Only unimportant ones," I pointed out.
The default ought to be: when designing a website, assume that important buttons will be bigger than unimportant ones, unless there's a good reason.
True but the unimportant ones.
In the opposite direction, the unimportant ones are removed (possibly to be grouped, again as an 'audit trail' on another wall).