His strength fading, Josten changes his costume and becomes a smuggler, taking the unimaginative yet appropriate name the Smuggler.
The mare, whose unimaginative name was Brownie, was probably the steadiest beast that Marina had ever seen.
And The Barleycorn was a typical estate pub, right from its unimaginative name and its squat flat-roofed exterior to its jukebox, video games and poorly kept keg beer.
And then there is Media 1, the unimaginative name for the Telegraph and ESPN Star Sports hybrid team.
It is a point of honor among fly people, as biologists who study the laboratory fruit fly call themselves, to avoid giving unimaginative names to the new genes they identify in their favorite organism.
They might be unimaginative names, like 'A Big Troll and Some Other Trolls', or 'Dwarfs With Altitude', but at least they knew who they were.
What an unimaginative name.
Nobody had liked the unimaginative names Immega had given them, New Deimos and New Phobos.
They established a colony on Val'Jon, to which they gave the singularly unimaginative name of New Terra.
Brush Creek's unimaginative name - I have no idea where it came from - fails to evoke the beauty of the waterway that flows through one of the most enticing urban settings in the United States.