But the Palestinians point to Israel's recent warnings that it may unilaterally cut water supplies promised to Jordan under the terms of its peace treaty with Israel.
The film tells the story of the yearlong strike precipitated in 1985 after the company unilaterally cut hourly wages from $10.69 to $8.25 at its Austin, Minn., plant.
Andrei D. Sakharov, the Soviet physicist and human rights campaigner, called on the Soviet Union today to unilaterally cut the size of its military.
Most notably it signed the Kyoto Protocol in 1998, set up its Emission Trading Scheme in 2005 and is currently agreeing to unilaterally cut its emissions by 20% by 2020.
The state board could unilaterally cut spending, withhold state aid and freeze the wages of county employees - without having to answer to voters.
We could cut that down unilaterally, but we'd rather not.
Some in Congress would forbid employers to unilaterally cut coverage.
He unilaterally cut the pay of Continental employees by 50 percent.
On Tuesday, the group unilaterally cut its rent payments by 30% for four months, in an effort to create a breathing space to restructure the business.
Mr. Otomo, the grinding shop owner, said the big companies often unilaterally cut prices or changed the terms of an agreement.