In sum it is clear that the ancient Greeks conceived of a unified system within which the octave acted as the unifying structure (interval).
This doesn't mean that a single unifying structure is imposed from above, as in the old establishment idea of parishes.
The Constitution gives a unifying structure of governance, to all Nizari Ismaili (and their religious based institutions) who are established in more than 25 countries and territories across the globe.
The unifying structure is the narration of Dame Scotia in the final twelve chapters.
A unifying structure could be helpful in focusing marketing strategies and organizing repertory choices.
A broad cultural unity was not paralleled by overarching social-political unifying structures, and the extent to which the material culture can be linguistically linked is debated.
The external LHIIIA:1-era sources do, however, agree in their omission of a great king or other unifying structure behind Ahhiya and the Tinay.
Today, by contrast, few unifying structures exist for investors and others hurt by the business downturn; few people look to their pension administrators as political advocates.
Christianity in the 4th and 5th centuries experienced imperial pressure (see State church of the Roman Empire) and developed a strong episcopal and unifying structure.
In his most recent work from the 90's, he has abandoned the grid for a unifying structure of narrow parallel strips.