By 1920, it was published weekly with the aim of becoming a more unifying influence on student life.
The 3rd is extremely difficult to campaign in and has few unifying influences.
The district proved a difficult place to campaign, representing half a dozen different media markets and home to no large cities and few unifying influences.
"We need a unifying influence on the Court."
Spilling across two time zones and parts of three television markets, it extremely difficult to campaign in and has few unifying influences.
The unifying influence of the Norman Conquest made its spread more easy.
It has a unifying influence, making people feel they belong to something significant.
John Diefenbaker also overshadowed his party, but he became a divisive rather than a unifying influence.
However, the district's large size and lack of unifying influences made it very difficult to unseat an incumbent.
Far from being a unifying influence, history turns out to be a highly divisive force.