Cut potatoes in uniform chunks.
Nearly any simmered food, be it meat, vegetable, fish or fowl, can be called a ragout, although in France, it is generally assumed that the main ingredients will be of a uniform chunk cut into slightly smaller than bite-size pieces.
FDMA separates the spectrum into distinct voice channels by splitting it into uniform chunks of bandwidth.
The seafood is usually cut in uniform small chunks, as distinguished from the extremely fine dice of a tartare, the little slabs of sushi or the sheer, almost translucent slices of a carpaccio or its Japanese cousin, usuzukuri.
FDM separates the extra signal space on a typical phone line into distinct data channels by splitting it into uniform chunks of bandwidth.
Cut the potatoes in uniform two-inch chunks.
Quarter watermelon, cut off rind and cut flesh in uniform chunks, either one-and-a-half-inch square cubes or spears no more than two inches long, removing seeds.
Cut the potatoes into uniform two-inch chunks and place in a heavy saucepan along with the garlic.
When chopping them in a food processor cut them into uniform chunks first and always use the on-off pulse for better control.