The cover provides a uniform background that the scanner software can use as a reference point for determining the size of the document being scanned.
Let's start by removing the uniform background, leaving the icons partially hanging over the desktop.
But as the fish progress upward and the birds downward they gradually lose their shapes to become a uniform background of sky and water, respectively.
We treated the universe as a perfectly smooth and uniform background, on which there were small perturbations of density.
The artist simply and directly arranges the elements against a uniform background.
Each staggering aisle was of uniform background.
The wall and trees provide a uniform background for the chapel, and isolate the site from the noise and bustle of adjacent buildings.
Smart Erase works well if you are removing an object from a uniform background like sky, brick, water, grass or trees.
Several laws describe a human's ability to visually detect targets on a uniform background.
She is set against a uniform blue background, in a canvas that is largely flat and lacking in either perspective or depth.