The current uniform appearance of the pews dates from the 1920s.
It added that church members have no restrictions on diet, uniform appearance, medical treatment, or other factors which might conflict with military requirements.
Today, an officer will usually replace all of the stripes upon each promotion in an attempt to maintain a more professional uniform appearance.
We take new names on entering the order, and we present a uniform appearance to outsiders.
Even to his eagle eye, they were nothing more than a thick woods of uniform appearance.
In some cases, the crazing also gains a more uniform appearance.
Since 1999, Oregon has completely revised its uniform appearance roughly every three seasons.
It provides a uniform appearance to the park, setting it apart from all others.
The complete front clip was restyled, giving a more uniform and boxy appearance.
I'm not really looking to give our house a more uniform appearance; if I did that, it would no longer tell a story.