The Herald's welcome indicated that there was no unified view regarding the Black soldiers.
While all Buddhist traditions accept rebirth there is no unified view about precisely how events unfold after death.
They say "Manage all your cloud files in a single unified view."
But farmers here acknowledged that there was no unified view on policy issues.
The one-flesh relationship provides a practical unified view of marriage where man and woman are seen as deeply complementary to each other.
Online case file that presents a unified view of pertinent information.
In order to have a unified view of the subject we have started with Maxwell's equations.
For class-based languages, this restriction is essential in order to preserve unified view of the class to its users.
Even if the core values are not tightly linked to organizational success, they still guide action and promote a more unified view of 'reality'.
Competing theories, including Lamarckism (the idea that acquired characteristics can be inherited), were tossed aside, producing a much more unified view of evolution at work.