Democratic strategists would, of course, prefer a unified front that focuses entirely on the president from Day 1.
The Dutch colony proved that by buckling under the more unified front of the English colonists.
A unified front seemed the best policy until we knew more.
That seems to be part of it, but it doesn't explain the unified Republican front.
Of course, the guerrillas might not be organized enough to present a unified public front.
And the three-company unified front seems to be crumbling.
Members of the medical and scientific industries formed a powerful unified front against the Republican proposal.
But the Government is by no means a unified front on the question of how to act in cases of lending discrimination.
Perhaps I'm naïve to think that a large department store should present a more or less unified front in terms of customer service.
The Conservatives, by contrast, were united by their fervent opposition to the Republican government and presented a more unified front.