The idea that Iraqi security forces are poised to take over the job of protecting the people in a unified country is almost ludicrous.
We will work with other nations to help the Iraqi people form a just government in a unified country.
It represents the first time that Switzerland as a unified country existed and a step toward the modern federal state.
The chance of 'uniform anti-fascist and democratic development' in a unified country had been thrown away.
Diplomats said he did not want to swear allegiance to a unified country.
It became a unified country once more in 1975 when the armed forces of the Communist north seized the south.
In 1988, the Soviet Union competed for the last time as a unified country.
But they argue that they will still help rebuild a unified country.
It is not actually a unified country, with each clan enjoying significant independence.
The Korean people lived in a unified country for over 1 300 years from the seventh century.