Some such unguarded remark Cadfael made, sitting contentedly by Hugh's hearth with Giles on his knees.
These unguarded remarks tend to cloud the image Mr. Nixon has tried to cultivate in recent years of an elder statesman.
While climbing he decided that if he did not reveal he spoke Spanish he might learn a lot from unguarded remarks.
The host, Tucker Carlson, asked Peev why she didn't agree to Power's request to strike the unguarded remark off the record.
Well, if Isabel had any ideas of playing on that one unguarded remark she could think again, he vowed grimly.
Cordelia was surprised into an unguarded remark.
Bud followed up quickly, hoping to prod them into some unguarded remark.
He never took a day off or allowed himself an unguarded remark, a moment of ill humor or a sign of weakness in any of his multifarious dealings.
A few unguarded remarks at mess.
From the landlady's unguarded remarks, it seemed apparent that it was also quite common for such immigrants not to survive this seasoning process.