Maria is usually seen playing unglamorous roles involving sensitive issues regarding women in Pakistan.
Kassel now has him in the demanding, unglamorous role of the dwarf Mime, who raises the orphaned hero for nefarious purposes of his own.
This time Torre reached out and picked Nelson, who is having another superb year in the decidedly unglamorous role of setup pitcher.
Hilliard's unglamorous role, catching short passes over the middle, is not that much of a departure from how Fassel used him.
This season she took a distinctly unglamorous role, as the doom-dealing procuress of the 15th-century Spanish classic "Celestina."
Despite his low and unglamorous role within the empire, Morqla was not ignorant of the covert program that Sturka had initiated.
She specialized in playing offbeat, unglamorous roles and never seemed daunted even when they bordered on the outrageous.
Duque de Tetuán served in this unglamorous role, seeing no action, for the duration of its career.
The unglamorous role for Crawford, and bold story (religious hypocrisy being its main theme), caught Depression-era audiences off guard.
He followed this with the unglamorous role of a mill worker in Paigham.