In spite of his ungentlemanly behavior there was a compelling aura of strength around this man.
Fairfaxcontained his own anger at this ungentlemanly behavior and followed the ladbelowdecks .
"Will and I need to talk about how he's going to atone for his foolish and, may I say, ungentlemanly behavior."
And he and I will take personal pleasure in frustrating this man's ungentlemanly behavior.
But, without doubt, this afternoon had exposed some exceptionally ungentlemanly behaviour on the part of one important customer.
"I wish to hear an apology, sir, for your ungentlemanly behaviour."
This will give him an extra year for the backlash which followed his ungentlemanly behavior at the 2009 VMAs telecast to recede.
Pure-in-soul advertisers undoubtedly fear that his presence would turn their pitches into fouls: Who would buy a pair of sneakers associated with ungentlemanly behavior?
Most football players have experienced some kind of untoward and ungentlemanly behavior, either on the receiving end or the giving.
His ungentlemanly behaviour does not surprise me in the slightest.