Even as Mara watched, the ungainly creatures exploded into flight.
The original monster was a disproportionate, ungainly creature with large yellow eyes and a dog-like head.
But those lumbering, ungainly creatures of the night, who seemed so attracted to our campfires, are what Man has become.
The domesticated turkey had become an ungainly creature, thanks in part to selective breeding by turkey producers.
This naked, ungainly creature could be Adam before Eve.
His heart went out to "these poor, ungainly and pathetically 'homely' creatures."
Black swans glided across the pond with a bearing so proud they made me feel ashamed to be such an ungainly creature as a human being.
Not one, but four of the ungainly creatures had congregated there.
The Druufs were ungainly creatures and they seemed to move only at half-speed.
Looking at her he could hardly believe that any man would find this ungainly creature, never at her best in pregnancy, bedworthy.