They battled racism and harsh, and often unfounded, criticism.
As a woman, Marie de Gournay was often subject to both personal attacks and unfounded criticism of her work.
In a 30-minute meeting with Chancellor Norman Lamont, he warned against 'unfounded criticism' of high street lenders by small firms.
This was an unfounded criticism, however, because the Paquet & Walker report did not include a list of experts cited.
In the end, Ms. Acerra says, after five years of "enduring threats, foul language, ridicule and unfounded criticism," she received help from her union.
It's fine sitting out there, you see, you can make a lot of unfounded criticism.
Berzsenyi felt the criticism degrading, undeserved and unfounded.
And yet Betty didn't want to be the cause for even unfounded criticism.
Tyco, a manufacturing conglomerate, called the criticisms "unfounded and malicious" in a statement released last night.
As a result we are often unable to respond to unfounded criticism while they are ongoing.