The omission of modern folk or tribal dress is also an unfortunate lapse.
I will report this unfortunate lapse to our superiors when we return to Orakisa.
About those involved, she said, "It was an unfortunate lapse, and many of them are taking this hard, that they've disappointed themselves, their peers and us."
But sometimes the mistakes are the result of nothing more than an isolated, unfortunate lapse in memory and when an outsider looks at this, he may be ignorant.
"However, an apology from the announcer should be enough of a response to what was perhaps an unfortunate lapse in judgment."
An unfortunate lapse in good judgment.
"I admit I had an unfortunate lapse," he said.
The translation is smooth and generally faithful, though there are a few unfortunate lapses.
That would give you too many opportunities for an 'unfortunate lapse.'
(An unfortunate lapse, as shall become apparent.)