The other actors merely move the story along, with one unfortunate exception.
The unfortunate exception is still the Samsung Focus.
With the unfortunate exception of Elayne.
Most of the cast was very good, with the unfortunate exception of Evelyn Lear as Geschwitz.
While the game itself is relatively unchanged since the 19th century, with the unfortunate exceptions of the designated hitter and artificial grass, computers have changed nearly everything else about baseball.
We present the cases of 10 unfortunate exceptions to that rule.
"So she's an unfortunate exception," Peter commented.
"The Pompidou Center is determined to show that these incidents are unfortunate exceptions," he said.
Their particular political agendas, however, are long dead (Wagner's might be the unfortunate exception); it is the imagination of the music itself that remains.
With one unfortunate exception, everyone who was contacted declined.