Mr. Philbrick nimbly evokes the beautiful but unforgiving landscape that was this theater of war.
She looked down at the unforgiving landscape again.
She proves her case with a lovely and moving portrait of society's outcasts living in an unforgiving and barren but harshly beautiful landscape.
This border area is an unforgiving landscape, where the enemy can hide at close range while remaining invisible.
The unforgiving landscape began to look familiar, and he believed he was at last close to the botanical testing station, his sanctuary.
He needed that craggy, unforgiving landscape, those looming skies then the life-affirming sunsets'
Adventurers all, they transformed Russia and its unforgiving landscape into the ultimate neo-Palladian paradise.
Mention Siberia and there are immediate thoughts of unrelenting cold and an unforgiving landscape.
This unforgiving landscape nurtures little besides malaria-carrying mosquitoes, scorpions and an occasional jackal.
Worst of all, he was trapped in an unforgiving landscape where action was, for once, a less attractive option than talk.