A short boat ride across the tranquil waters of Kunming Lake will give you an unforgettable view of the Palace.
Still, from the outside one sees perhaps its most unforgettable view.
And there is still the Nautilus, now owned by a movie star, still offering superb food and an unforgettable view down the coast to Trinity Bay.
After lunch, pedal back towards the palace itself for an unforgettable view into the lives of the French monarchy before their removal from power by the Revolution in 1789.
Campania's biggest crowd-puller is the Amalfi Coast, a vertical world of plunging cliffs, precarious villages and unforgettable views.
Since Minčeta Tower is the highest point of the wall, it is considered to offer a seemingly "unforgettable" view on the city.
Unhidden by vegetation, the colors of the rocks - brick red, ochre, green, and purple-brown - are dramatically deepened at sunset and dawn, creating unforgettable views.
A drive on the Udumalpet - Munnar road (SH 17) gives one unforgettable views of the Western Ghats.
For an unforgettable view of Isla Graciosa and much more, drive up to the Mirador del Río (admission: 400 ptas, r2.40).
The coast road south leads eventually to the Bay of Mont St-Michel, and an unforgettable first view of the island from the cliffs at Champeaux.